An Exploration Inside Mystic Seaport Collections (continued)

Kevin O’Leary, Vice President of Business Development and Marketing at Mystic Seaport Museum, interviewed by Brian Scott-Smith of Connecticut East for a podcast to be.

One negative from collections handled with care by Kevin O’Leary, Vice President of Business Development and Marketing at Mystic Seaport Museum.

Just one drawer.

The saw-tooth roof holds stories of its own; originally designed to utilize natural light so workers could labor longer. The architecture design flaws and subsequent leaks; repairs to seal all when building re-used and more permanent solutions being discussed.

Seen from inside Mystic Seaport Museum Collections, one area that has windows (many rooms do not). The architecture details of the original structure include a saw-tooth roof.

Riding crop, whale in profile.

(More images to come. Visit again to view more.)

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